Write 2,000-Word Articles
in Just 30 Minutes
Check out Frase.io’s new and improved AI-writer that helped me
write fluff-free content in 30 minutes or less.
Hey guys, my name is Firdaus, but everyone calls me Fur – because I’m Furbulous. Apart from being cringy, I create websites and monetise them with the goal of earning (semi) passive income and selling them.
On this page, I list down my recommendations for different stuff – from blogging to crypto and anything under the blue sky.
Some of these links are affiliate links. By clicking on these links, you’ll support me in creating more free content for you. Best part? You don’t pay a single cent more. Sometimes I get cool discounts too, so be sure to use my links!
I recommend SiteGround as it is the cheapest and best way to get started with blogging. Starts at U$2.90/month and get your first year domain free!
WriterZen is the perfect combination of value-for-money pricing. Starting at U$27/month, use WriterZen to find keywords you should write about!
Frase.io lets you write amazing content with their AI-generation tool. Optimise your content for search engines with Frase too! Starts at U$14.99/month.
Want to build your website easily from scratch? I recommend Elementor Pro to control how every inch of your website looks. Starts at U$59/year.
Nobody’s English is perfect – including me. Readers trust you and will buy from you if you have good grammar. Do this with Grammarly Premium.
Need someone to guide you every step of the way? My course teaches you how to start a blog and monetise it. Only a one-time payment of S$697
Check out Frase.io’s new and improved AI-writer that helped me
write fluff-free content in 30 minutes or less.